ovo  lens
A World Premier Lens Clinic

ovo introduces the first 
office-based surgery suites in Minnesota

Now cataract surgery and specialty lens surgery (RLE + EVO ICL) can be done in the comfort of Dr. Lobanoff’s office with his specialized and caring staff. No more traveling to a hospital setting for surgery at OVO you’ll have your initial consultation, surgical procedure, and follow-up care done in our advanced facility for your maximum comfort and convenience.

acknowledged by our community of doctors
DR. lobanoff is awarded
top doctor, again and again.

The new OVO lasik+lens based in Minneapolis, mn. OVO was founded by dr. Lobanoff, the award winning lasik doctor.


OVO Lens

EVO ICL vision correction

Watch why over 3 million EVO Visian ICL Lens were chosen world wide for vision correction


Together, providing the next generation in vision correction

EVO ICL vision correction is one of the most advanced and effective surgical procedures for the correction of moderate to high levels of nearsightedness, as well as astigmatism. This alternative to LASIK is extremely effective in putting an end to the hassle and ongoing cost of glasses and contact lenses. If you’ve been told that you cannot have LASIK, you may be a candidate for EVO ICL surgery!

Dr. Lobanoff has been on the leading-edge of ICL (Implantable Collamer/Contact Lens) technology for the past 15 years. He was an early adopter of the first VISIAN ICL. Keeping with this trend, Dr. Lobanoff was also the first surgeon in Minnesota to implant the new astigmatism correcting ICL and the latest EVO ICL that is all the rage. According to to STAAR Surgical, Dr. Lobanoff is the most experienced ICL surgeon in the mid-west!

Contact us today to learn more and to schedule your EVO consultation at OVO!


EVO ICL (Implantable Collamer/Contact Lens) eye surgery involves placing a lens in front of the eye’s natural lens. Kind of like placing an “implantable contact lens” inside the eye. The lens itself is made of a biocompatible material called “collamer”, making it a safe and permanent implantable lens.

These implantable lenses are much smaller than a regular contact lens designed for the outside of the eye, but act similarly by giving patients corrected vision without the need for wearing glasses or contact lenses. Our patients love the results and are amazed by the crisp and clear vision achieved after having the procedure, even with extraordinarily high nearsighted corrections!


Although EVO ICL is specifically designed to correct higher degrees of nearsightedness, patients with moderate degrees of correction are choosing EVO ICL surgery due to the many benefits EVO offers.

– EVO ICL surgery is performed by Dr. Lobanoff in the comfort of OVO’s Office Based Surgery suite. Relaxing with a mild sedative (valium) prior, the procedure takes as little as 30 minutes for both eyes.

– After EVO ICL surgery, the patient is sent home to rest. Vision is restored rapidly, with most patients feeling comfortable returning to normal activities (including driving) within 24 hours.

– EVO ICL may be optimal for patients who experience dryness with contacts or glasses, or are concerned about dryness after vision correction surgery.

– EVO ICL lenses have inherent UV blocking properties for built-in sun protection.

– The EVO lens can be adjusted or removed to accommodate any future vision desires. Risks associated with EVO ICL surgery can be found here (clickable link)


Qualifying for EVO is easy! If you’re nearsighted or have astigmatism, EVO ICL might be your solution to glasses-free living! LASIK has become synonymous with those who choose to undergo vision correction. However, EVO ICL technology has broadened the scope of those who qualify to correct even the highest prescriptions.

– Up to 20 diopters of nearsightedness

– Up to 4 diopters of astigmatism

– Over the age of 18

– Stable prescription and otherwise healthy eyes

OVO offers an expansive range of vision correction procedures including EVO ICL, LASIK, PRK, RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange), and CXL (Corneal Cross Linking with PRK). Not just a “LASIK clinic”, OVO is fully equipped to optimally support the needs of our patients and recommend which procedure is best suited for your stage of life and lifestyle.

OVO RLE Restorative Lens Exchange procedure at Minnesota eye clinic

lasik / ovo specialty lens

ovo restorative
lens exchange

Freedom From Reading Glasses Over 50

Restorative Lens Exchange (RLE) is a great option for patients in their 50’s who want to prevent the loss of their near vision and never worry about developing cataract later in life. If you have encountered difficulty seeing up close after the age of 50, you are probably dealing with presbyopia. This age-related near vision loss is the reason that people end up relying on reading glasses, which can be annoying and inconvenient. A major benefit of RLE treatment is that it can help you ditch near-vision glasses for good. RLE is for people seeking a way out of reading glasses that addresses the root cause of presbyopia — your inflexible lens. Another perk of RLE treatment is that you will never develop cataracts. You’ll literally avoid having to undergo cataract surgery later in life!

lasik / ovo specialty lens

90% of Americans over the age of 65 develop cataracts
One of the most common surgeries in the world

Because cataracts are a part of the normal aging process that affects everyone as we grow older, by the age of 65 over 90% of Americans have been found to have a cataract. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and most successful surgical procedures performed anywhere on the human body. In fact, cataract surgery happens to be the single most common procedure done across the United States. Truly a miracle of modern medicine, cataract surgery stands as one of the most safe and effective surgical procedures performed to restore clear eyesight all over the world.

Advanced all-laser cataract surgery

Experience the latest advancements in Advanced Lens Refractive Cataract Surgery at OVO with Distance Vision and Near Vision correction all in one procedure. Our Advanced Lenses include all-laser femtosecond surgery, using a laser in place of the basic traditional methods for cataract surgery. Dr. Lobanoff and his team will discuss which option will best achieve the vision results you desire.

Standard cataract surgery

For patients electing to have insurance-only based cataract surgery, you’ll still experience the expertise of the surgeons at OVO and our enhanced patient care. However, you may still require glasses after your cataract surgery.

At OVO, there is an option to fit every visual need within everyone’s personal budget. Our surgeons and scheduling specialists will work to find the right lens option for you.

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 LENS Consultation Today!

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    OVO LENS consultations are a fee for service appointment.
    ICL and RLE are cash based procedures—payment is due at time of service.
    A portion of cataract appointments may be covered by insurance—please provide insurance information upon scheduling your cataract consultation.